What Is First Draw Soy Sauce? (How Its Made, Taste + More)

Soy sauce has become a staple condiment and a must-have ingredient for many recipes, solidifying soy sauce’s popularity around the world.

If you saw a recipe that calls for first draw soy sauce, you may be wondering what first draw soy sauce is. Wonder no more because I found the facts you need to know!

What Is First Draw Soy Sauce?

First draw soy sauce refers to soy sauce that was made using the first fermentation of soybeans and wheat. First draw soy sauce is seen as high-quality soy sauce, which is why first draw soy sauce can be more expensive than other soy sauces. Generally, first draw soy sauce tastes very savory yet delicate when compared to regular soy sauce.

Do you want to learn more facts about first draw soy sauce? Keep reading to find out!

First draw soy sauce refers to soy sauce that was made when the soybeans and wheat were brewed for the first time, hence the name “first draw” soy sauce.

Generally, people believe that first draw soy sauce is a higher-quality soy sauce, similar to how extra-virgin olive oil is considered a higher-quality olive oil.

Therefore, most first draw soy sauces will be sold at a higher price than other soy sauces.

Moreover, the second and third “draws” of soy sauce (being made from the same soybeans as first draw soy sauce) are often called “gold label” and “silver label,” which are sold at cheaper prices.

How Do You Make First Draw Soy Sauce?

First draw soy sauce is made like any other soy sauce, but first draw soy sauce specifically refers to soy sauce that is collected when the soybeans are first fermented.

Manufacturers can create multiple batches of soy sauce using the same soybeans and wheat, but each batch will produce a different quality of soy sauce.

To make soy sauce, soybeans are soaked in water while wheat gets roasted and crushed then the wheat and soybeans get mixed with a culturing mold.

This soybean and wheat mixture develops for a few days then gets placed into fermenting tanks where the mixture will age for several months or years.

Next, the liquid will get separated from the mixture by pressing the mixture through cloth, and the liquid that first comes out of the mixture is first draw soy sauce.

What Does First Draw Soy Sauce Taste Like?

First draw soy sauce is described to have a more delicate flavor than other soy sauces, most likely because first draw soy sauce is taken from when soybeans are first brewed.

However, first draw soy sauce has a very rich soy flavor since the soy sauce was extracted from fresh soybeans, giving first draw soy sauce a strong savory taste.

Moreover, the exact taste of first draw soy sauce will depend on the brand since each brand has a slightly different recipe for soy sauce.

How Do You Use First Draw Soy Sauce?

How Do You Use First Draw Soy Sauce?

You can use first draw soy sauce how you would normally use soy sauce since the only difference between first draw soy sauce and regular soy sauce is when the soy sauce was collected.

However, some people believe that first draw soy sauce is a high-quality soy sauce, so most people would not use first draw soy sauce while cooking.

Instead, people often use first draw soy sauce as a dip for foods like sushi or sashimi to help you better appreciate the taste of first draw soy sauce.

Moreover, you can use first draw soy sauce as a condiment by drizzling first draw soy sauce over your food.

Is First Draw Soy Sauce Light Or Dark?

First draw soy sauce can be light or dark soy sauce because it mostly depends on the manufacturer.

Some first draw soy sauces can be considered light soy sauce because the soy sauce that comes from the first fermentation of soybeans occasionally creates a light soy sauce.

However, most first draw soy sauces are more comparable to regular soy sauce since first draw soy sauce is more robust in flavor and color than light soy sauce.

Is First Draw Soy Sauce The Same As First Press Soy Sauce?

First draw soy sauce is the same as first press soy sauce because they both refer to the first extraction of fermented soybeans.

Is First Draw Soy Sauce Better Than Other Soy Sauces?

Whether first draw soy sauce is better than other soy sauces or not is purely subjective, so it will depend on your preference.

First draw soy sauce is very savory while having a delicate flavor, which could be pleasant if you want a soy sauce that is not bitter.

However, others may prefer the strong flavors that other soy sauces can provide.

What Can I Substitute For First Draw Soy Sauce?

Typically, you can use almost any other soy sauce instead of first draw soy sauce since first draw soy sauce is high-quality soy sauce.

Normally, regular soy sauce is the best replacement for most first draw soy sauces because regular soy sauce is versatile and can match some of first draw soy sauce’s flavors.

Check out our related articles to discover what seasoning soy sauce is, what Aloha soy sauce is, and what honey soy sauce is.


First draw soy sauce is soy sauce that was collected from the first fermentation of soybeans while the later extractions are referred to as gold label and silver label soy sauces.

Generally, first draw soy sauce is referred to as a high-quality soy sauce, which is why first draw soy sauce tends to be expensive.

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