Is Mustard Kosher? + Other Common FAQs

Mustard is a well-loved condiment added to many foods, but people who follow certain religions like Judaism need to make sure the foods that they consume are safe to eat.

Since Judaism requires followers to consume kosher-friendly foods, you may be wondering if mustard is kosher. I did the research, and here is what I found!

Is Mustard Kosher?

Mustard is kosher if the mustard is just mustard seeds or mustard powder mixed with water. However, commercially produced mustard may not all be kosher since it depends on the added ingredients and the machines or tools used to make the mustard. To know for sure, check the label and look for the seal of approval of the Union.

Do you want to learn more about mustard being kosher or not? Keep reading!

What Is Kosher?

In Judaism, kosher means fit or proper. To know what foods are kosher is to check the Torah to know what food, things, or products are acceptable and what products are not.

There are certain foods that are not acceptable by Jewish standards, such as pork, rabbit, and catfish.

To be considered kosher, food products should be prepared in a kosher way, in kosher tools and machines, and served a kosher way.

Since there are many rules and there are added or modified rules, a certification from an approved agency will help you determine if the food you are consuming is kosher.

How Do You Know If Mustard Is Kosher?

To know if the mustard you are consuming is kosher, you can check the product label for a symbol that is accepted by a supervisory agency.

For example, on a bottle of Heinz Yellow Mustard, there is a small U with a circle around the U, which is beside the D in mustard, and this symbol means that the mustard is kosher.

Additionally, the U means it is OU Kosher: Certification and Supervision by the Orhodox Union.

However, most additives to mustard are usually not kosher, so unless there is a seal of approval, most prepared mustards are not kosher.

Is French’s Yellow Mustard Kosher?

According to French’s product details on their Classic Yellow Mustard, French’s yellow mustard is supposedly kosher.

However, French’s ingredient list also contains vinegar, and vinegar may not be kosher. Vinegar is only kosher when ingredients, additives, and processing and production are all certified kosher.

If French’s Classic Mustard is kosher on the label, the vinegar must also be kosher certified.

Is Dijon Mustard Kosher?

Some brands of Dijon mustard may be kosher, especially because there are now a lot of brands to choose from that can cater to almost every need and belief.

However, the original Grey-Poupon Dijon mustard is not kosher. So if you love the original Dijon, you might have to look for kosher alternatives.

Is Dry Mustard Kosher?

Is Dry Mustard Kosher?

Dry mustard being kosher is a bit of a debate since some people claim dry mustard is kosher while others disagree. However, the mustard plant itself is kosher.

Some claim that if the mustard plant was grown in a field where other plants were also planted, the mustard plant might be contaminated and the mustard powder that will come from the plant will not be kosher anymore.

Some people suggest that to ensure dry mustard is kosher, buy whole mustard seeds in India then wash, dry, and ground your own mustard powder from these mustard seeds.

Is Colman’s Mustard Kosher?

Colman’s mustard is kosher since Colman’s mustard is kosher certified by the London Bet Din, a kosher certification agency in London.

Moreover, both Colman’s Dry Mustard Powder and Colman’s Prepared Mustard have been certified and have been proven to be kosher.

Is Maille Mustard Kosher?

Maille mustard being kosher will depend on the country you are in because Maille is certified kosher in the United States and is certified by the OU, but is not kosher certified in London.

Check out our other articles to learn if mustard is vegan, if mustard is halal, and if mustard is dairy-free.


As with all food products, checking the label and product information is always a good habit if you want to make sure your food is kosher.

While the mustard plant, seeds, and powder are kosher, it is best to check the labels of prepared mustards to see if the mustard is kosher-friendly.

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