There is no limit to the number of desserts you can make with Jello, but there is a limit to how long you can keep Jello fresh and tasty in your fridge.
If you happen to end up with leftover Jello or you plan to make Jello desserts in advance, you might be wondering how long Jello lasts. I looked up the facts, and here is what I found!
How Long Does Jello Last?
Jello that has set has a shelf life of about seven to ten days in the fridge if kept in a tight container. Additionally, unopened Jello powder can last for years in the pantry when stored properly. However, opened Jello powder can only last for about three months after you open the Jello powder.
In case you are curious to learn more about how long Jello lasts and whether there are ways you can extend the shelf life of Jello, keep reading!
How Do You Know When Jello Goes Bad?
Jello that has gone by has tell-tale signs of contamination and spoilage.
For dry Jello, the signs usually come in the form of punctured packaging, insects inside the packaging, the powder that has moisture or clumps, and off-putting smells.
Meanwhile, cooked Jello can be considered bad once the cooked Jello begins to grow mold, become discolored, or taste bitter.
Additionally, the water in the Jello could separate from the rest of the ingredients and this chemical reaction in the Jello is a sure sign that the Jello is spoiling.
How Do You Store Jello?
Dry Jello should be stored at room temperature. Additionally, you should keep dry Jello from being exposed to moisture, heat, and direct sunlight.
As for cooked jelly, it is best to keep cooked jelly in an airtight container and store the cooked jelly in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
Avoid storing Jello in the freezer because doing so will only cause the Jello to crystalize, expand, and lose the Jello’s flavor.
Moreover, storing Jello in the freezer will not increase Jello’s shelf life.
How Do You Store Jello Long Term?
Storing dry Jello long-term requires making sure that the packaging is airtight. Otherwise, insects can contaminate the powder, or moisture can cause spoilage.
If the Jello has been used, transfer the rest of the powder into a ziplock and store the Jello in Tupperware or an airtight container afterward. Make sure to use the Jello within three months.
If your Jello is already cooked, you must also store the Jello in an airtight container and place the Jello in the coolest part of your fridge.
Why Is My Jello Watery?
Jello can become watery for several reasons and one of them is faulty preparation. When you add too much water to the Jello mix, the Jello might not set properly.
Additionally, you may have added watery fruits to the Jello before the Jello is partially set. When the Jello has exceeded the amount of water it can take, the Jello becomes runny.
Moreover, spoiled Jello also tends to become watery because when the Jello has reached its expiration date, the water separates from the Jello.
What Happens If You Eat Old Jello?
Old Jello, as long it has been stored properly, can still be tasty years after the expiration date has passed. On the other hand, old cooked Jello will usually taste bitter, smell bad, and have a poor consistency.
Depending on the amount you eat and how spoiled the Jello is, other side effects such as food poisoning may occur.
Can You Use Jello Past The Expiration Date?
An unopened box of Jello mix can last for years past the expiration date. Provided that the packaging has no tears or punctures, then the Jello mix should be safe to use.
Generally, the expiration date stands for when the Jello powder’s quality begins to deteriorate. Consuming the Jello before the expiration dates guarantees better quality.
In case the Jello mix is already expired when you opened the Jello, make sure to use the Jello mix immediately.
How Long Does Jello With Fruits Last In The Fridge?
Jello with fruits tends to spoil faster because the fruits have a shorter shelf life than the Jello. Once the fruit spoils, the rest of the Jello spoils with it.
Generally, plain Jello can last in good condition in the fridge for seven to ten days. If the Jello has fruits, it is best to keep the Jello for only four days or less.
How Long Will Jelly Last In The Fridge?
Jelly will last in the fridge for seven to ten days if kept in an airtight container. However, if the Jello has other ingredients that tend to spoil quickly, the Jello will also spoil faster.
Does Jello Go In The Fridge Or Freezer?
Jello must always be kept in the fridge, not the freezer. When Jello is kept in the freezer, the Jello expands, develops crystals, and loses the Jello’s quality.
Additionally, keeping the Jello in the freezer does nothing for the Jello’s shelf life.
Meanwhile, the temperature in most domestic fridges is enough to maintain the taste and overall quality of the Jello for at least a week.
Can I Freeze Jello?
Jello is possible to freeze. Nonetheless, freezing the Jello will not make it last longer. In fact, when you freeze the Jello, you only make the Jello inedible once thawed.
How Long Does Jello Last In The Fridge Uncovered?
Uncovered Jello will not last as long as covered Jello in the fridge. If covered Jello can remain in good condition in the fridge for ten days, uncovered Jello may only last for three days.
Ultimately, how long uncovered Jello lasts in the fridge depends on how you make the Jello and what the Jello is exposed to.
Read our related articles to learn how long Jello shots take to last, how to make strong Jello shots, and if Jello is the same as gelatin.
How long a Jello lasts depends on the conditions in which the Jello is stored and cooked. Typically, cooked Jello can last in the fridge for a little over a week.
However, for the cooked Jello to last this long, you have to make sure the Jello is stored in an airtight container.
As for dry Jello, it can last for several years past the expiration date as long as it is unopened. Once opened, the Jello mix has to be cooked within three months.