Can You Microwave Beets? (Types Of Beets, How To Do It + Other FAQs)

Beets are one of those vegetables that people either love or hate. Fortunately for beet lovers, the number of beet recipes popping up online is still on the rise.

If you hate spending long hours in the kitchen, you might be wondering if you can microwave beets. I looked up the facts, and here is what I found!

Can You Microwave Beets?

You can easily prepare beets in the microwave. However, the methods for cooking or reheating beets in the microwave vary depending on several factors. These factors include the size of the beets and the number of beets you are microwaving. Typically, heating beets usually last anywhere from 1-6 minutes while covered with a paper towel. 

If you are interested to learn more about microwaving different kinds of beets and how to properly heat beets in the microwave, keep reading!

Can You Microwave Fresh Beets?

You can book fresh beets in the microwave in less time than you would if you used a stove. Additionally, microwaving fresh beets is also less messy.

To get the best results, you will want to avoid overcrowding the microwave-safe dish you use. Moreover, the beets should be sliced in half or cut into small chunks.

Can You Microwave Golden Beets?

Since golden beets can be prepared the same way as red beets, you can expect that golden beets can be cooked efficiently in the microwave as well.

Moreover, golden beets can also be reheated in the microwave. For your safety, you should always make sure that the golden beets are thoroughly heated, preferably until steaming.

Can You Microwave Canned Beets?

Canned beets are just as safe to microwave as fresh beets. Additionally, canned beets are precooked, so microwaving canned beets should take only 30 seconds.

Nonetheless, it is perfectly fine to microwave canned beets for more than a minute. To avoid stubborn stains, you should microwave the canned beets in a glass dish.

Can You Microwave Whole Beets?

Can You Microwave Whole Beets?

Small to medium-size beets can be cooked whole in the microwave. Just make sure that you turn the beets at least once so that the beets heat evenly.

Typically, a dish with three medium-size beets can be cooked in the microwave for approximately 15 minutes.

When you microwave large whole beets, the beets will likely not be fully cooked. As such, you should at least slice large beets in half before microwaving.

Can You Microwave Beets Before Roasting?

Microwaving beets before roasting is an excellent idea as this will ensure that the interior of the beets is thoroughly heated before roasting.

Afterward, you can roast the beets in less time and prevent the exterior from getting overly heated or burnt. Moreover, it will be easier to achieve your desired degree of crispiness.

Can You Microwave Beets To Cook Them?

You can cook beets in the microwave and, microwaving is a popular method of cooking beets because it will require less time and effort.

While the exterior of the beets might not turn crispy, you can expect the interior to be fully cooked within 7-15 minutes depending on the size of the beets.

Can You Microwave Beets To Peel Them?

Cooking beets in the microwave allows you to peel the beets more easily. Once the beets are cooked, you should let the beets rest for around five minutes before peeling.

When the beets are a little cooler, the peel should come off when rubbed with a paper towel. If this is not the case, you should microwave the beets again for a couple more minutes.

Can You Steam Beets In The Microwave?

Beets can be steamed in the microwave using a steamer basket. With only one tablespoon of water, chopped beets can be steamed until tender within seven minutes in the microwave.

Can You Reheat Beets In The Microwave?

Beets can be harmful when reheated. As such, you should remove the beets in your food before microwaving. When you add the beets afterward, the beets will be warm.

Can You Bake Beets In The Microwave?

You can bake beets in the microwave by heating the beets directly. While other methods require water and paper towels, you can simply cover the dish with a lid and microwave.

Can You Microwave Beets Before Cooking?

If you want your beets fully cooked before adding the beets to your main dish, you can microwave the beets first. Doing so will significantly reduce your cooking time.

How Do You Cook Beets In The Microwave?

There are many ways you can cook beets in the microwave. Typically, people either steam the beets or heat the beets directly.

For steaming beets, you will need a steamer basket. Add one tablespoon of water to the bottom of the basket, place the chopped beets in the basket, and cover tightly with a lid.

Afterward, microwave the beets on high heat for around seven minutes. In case the beets are not tender yet, microwave the beets again in 1-minute intervals.

Additionally, you can heat the beets whole or sliced in a lidded dish. In both methods, you can season the beets before microwaving.

How Long Do You Microwave Beets?

How long you have to microwave beets depends on the number of beets you want to cook and the method you are using.

Moreover, you have to consider whether you want to cook the beets whole or sliced. Generally, beet wedges and cubes take anywhere from 2-5 minutes to microwave.

If the beets are whole but small, expect a cooking time of 3-7 minutes. Meanwhile, medium to large whole beets can take as much as fifteen minutes to cook.

Read our related articles to find out if you can microwave beans, if you can microwave beef jerky, and if you can microwave brie.


Microwaving beets is a convenient alternative to boiling beets on the stove. When you use a microwave, the beets are less likely to cause a mess and leave stubborn stains.

Furthermore, beets take only a few minutes to cook in the microwave. Depending on how you prepare the beets, you can expect a cooking time of only 2-20 minutes.

Whether you are mixing the beets with other vegetables or eating the beets alone, the microwave provides a solution to the usual inconveniences that come with cooking beets.

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